Category: Art & Design

July 10 2024

WowThankYou: The Movement

It’s been a hot minute. Sorry I’ve neglected you, blog. You’ve been loyal to me for a long time and I’ve treated you poorly but I promise to try to write more consistently. Especially when the good times roll.

An exciting new project is about to take off on Twitter called WowThankYou. It’s a women empowerment movement that’s all about appreciating the wonderful women that have impacted our lives. In a tweet (or TikTok video), you describe what makes them so special (using adjectives like strong, sweet, generous, smart, creative – you get the drift) and then you say how they’ve inspired you. Don’t forget to add that hashtag #wowthankyou in the end!

Just to give you some examples, here are four I’ve prepared for Twitter. These are the full statements (on Twitter, I’m going to shorten them).

Selena Gomez, aka @selenagomez, more than for all of your talents and your businesses, I admire you because you shed light on mental health. I also have bipolar disorder which I see as both a blessing and a curse. Your movie and song My Mind and Me hit me to my core. #wowthankyou

I’ve looked up to Tina Roth Einsberg, aka @swissmiss, a Brooklyn NY based designer for almost 20 years! That’s how long her blog SwissMiss has been around. Not only has she shared her design inspirations, she’s had an amazing career, launching multiple businesses like TeuxDeux, Tattly, CreativeMornings and Friends Work Here. As a woman entrepreneur, I’ve always admired her guts, creativity, and design eye.

Cup of Jo, aka @joannagoddard, is a NY-based lifestyle blogger who grew from a one woman show to having whole teams of writers where they cover everything from fashion to motherhood. She’s down to earth and relatable even though she’s blown up and now has a newer blog called Big Salad. She’s the kind and cool girl you’d want to be BFFs with! #wowthankyou

Joy Cho, aka @ohjoy, is the reason why I started @mymodernmet back in 2007. She came before me with her design blog. Did you know that she has the the most Pinterest followers at over 15 million? Her design eye is insane. I admire all of her natural brand collaborations, her consulting business and how she designed and built a house from scratch! You’re amazing Joy! #wowthankyou

Won’t you join the movement? Let’s make this baby go viral!

March 7 2023

Favorite: Rainbow “All We Need is Love” Denim Distressed Jacket

You may not know this about me but I love collecting jackets and coats. This is not only for practical reasons (I’m always cold!) but I love how a jacket or coat can make a statement. This one, by Wren+Glory isn’t cheap, at close to $400, but I love it because I’ve never seen anything quite like it. There’s a large rainbow, spreading across the back to the front, with ‘All We Need Is Love’ painted in white with a dripping effect. Each piece is hand painted meaning no two are alike. Love!

March 6 2023

3 Essential Elements That Will Lead You to Your Dream Life

I was thinking about what makes successful people successful and I think I finally boiled it down to three things. They’re essential elements, if you will. Master these three things and watch how your life transforms!

First up is hard work. You have to put in the effort and do what needs to be done to reach your goals. That might mean putting in extra hours, taking on new opportunities, and taking risks. Hard work doesn’t always mean long hours every day; it can even be small actions that move you closer towards your dreams!

The second thing is consistency. To make progress towards our dreams, we must stay consistent with our efforts over a long period of time. It’s important to create habits and stick with them so that you don’t get sidetracked. Having a plan and sticking with it can help keep you motivated, as well as give you an idea of what kind of progress you’re making towards your goals!

Finally, self-discipline is key for achieving our dreams as well. Keeping yourself motivated even when times get tough and having control over your impulses can lead to great accomplishments. Self-discipline is key when it comes to staying focused on tasks at hand and making sure they get done correctly and on time.

Work on these three essential elements and you’ll achieve the life of your dreams. Miss one and you’ll be back at the starting line.

February 15 2019

The Best 1.5 Hours I’ve Ever Spent With My Husband

Last night, after the boys went to sleep, Sam and I started talking about the mental health podcast I’ve been wanting to create. This idea of starting one, which would be about successful people who have/had to deal with a mental illness, has been on my mind for months. I’ve been daunted by the task because of several reasons; having to learn the technical aspects of starting up a podcast, finding guests to interview, and the natural fear of being judged by my family and friends. I’ve always been open in sharing that I have bipolar, I’m not ashamed by it, in fact, I think it’s kind of cool. 🙂 Truth be told, I’m probably in a hypomanic stage right now, I only slept about three hours last night yet I’m full of energy and excitement about what the future holds.

I’m now in week 2 of my altMBA course yet I have to say that I’ve been changed. I’ve received so much helpful feedback from my fellow cohorts that it’s given me some clarity as to how I would structure the podcast. The first episode will be about sharing my personal story – starting from when I was young and having to deal with social anxiety to the present day, living with and managing being bipolar. When I look back at my life, now being almost 43-years-old, I can say that I’ve experienced social anxiety, PTSD, depression, and bipolar. Crazy, right?

The second episode would be hearing Sam’s side of the story about how I ended up in a mental hospital. He would talk about what life is like in a supporting role and how we somehow manage to live a life we love. (On a side note, that’s how I’d define success. It’s not about money or power, it’s about living a happy and fulfilling life.)

This got me thinking that I’d like to write a memoir, sharing my difficult life experiences and what lessons I’ve learned along the way. My hope would be that it would give others a glimpse into the life of someone who has dealt with several mental illnesses yet how a person can turn those experiences into something positive. If I can live through my mother’s suicide and being locked up in a mental hospital for six weeks, what can’t I overcome? I’ve learned how to be resilient, how to be the best mom I can be, and that having a mental illness doesn’t have to stop you from pursuing your dreams.

So back to last night. Sam and I were sitting on the couch when we decided to tape our conversation. We just started talking about my first psychotic break and how scary it was both for me and him. I told him what I last remembered, and he filled in all the details. At one point, I started to cry (ok, I cry easily), because I had no idea how much he did for me. Not only did he drive up every day from Temecula to the UCLA psych hospital to visit me (a 1.5 to 2 hr drive, one way), but he also checked in with the doctors, constantly asking for updates. I had family and friends who wanted to visit, so he created a schedule and gave everyone advice on what they should or should not say. He also had to deal with my loving but sometimes crazy sister who couldn’t understand what I was going through. In the hospital, she said, “Why can’t you just snap out of it?” Oh, if only I could.

It has now been five years since that hospital stay and I’ve gone into mania about once or twice a year. Depending on my level of stress, I can easily slip into hypomania, which my therapist correctly describes as “seductive.” In hypomania, you feel on top of the world, you hardly need any sleep, you feel more creative and less inhibited. But it’s a slippery slope, if I don’t increase my medication I fall off the cliff and my brain goes into overdrive. I start seeing patterns everywhere, ones that don’t make any sense, and I’m easily overstimulated. Even the sound of my boys raising their voices makes me extremely anxious so it’s hard to be present and be their mom.

I’m more motivated than ever to start this podcast. Inspired by Tim Ferriss, I’ll create six episodes and then see if this is something I really want to pursue. In the meantime, I’ll start jotting notes down about my life experiences and maybe they’ll end up in a book. One last thought we had was starting a YouTube channel where Sam and I discuss things like parenting, love, gratefulness, self-improvement and entrepreneurship. That one may be hidden for a while. Stay tuned…and thanks for taking this journey with me.

December 7 2018

Awesome Emperor Penguin Lamp

As a person who’s obsessed with lighting (see balloon lamp below), I knew I had to have this when I first spotted it on my favorite art blog, Colossal. (Shout out to Christopher Jobson for keeping Colossal so fresh and exciting.) I can’t wait to build this baby with my husband, name him, and then greet him every day and night.

December 7 2018

Beautiful Balloon Lamp Lights Up My Life

I spotted this beautiful balloon lamp on Instagram and I immediately knew I had to have it. Sammy assembled it a few nights ago and set it up in our living room. Let me just tell you, people, that this thing is even more beautiful in person. It gives off the perfect amount of light! It’s playful and perfect. (The pictures don’t do it justice.)

September 17 2018

Favorite Fun Stuff

You’ll have to excuse my long absence. Kat (now our Creative Director) and I have been so busy taking care of Skylar Yoo that I haven’t had a moment to catch my breath and blog here. But I’m back! I’ll still share some personal stories but, for now, I thought I’d just show you some fun products popping up on my radar. Some are fashion related while others are just fun things that I’ve bought, received or seen this past month.

Favorite home item: This flower vase comes to life when you put in a leaf! How clever and cute. Not available for sale on Ha’s website. Darn! (Above)

Favorite kitchen item: These adorable cardinal glasses just got back in stock. In love with their design.

Favorite fashion item: I like fashion that’s funky or shiny. This New Balance vest is both “cool” and warm. Wish the zipper zipped all the way down but it’s still a fun staple.

Favorite jewelry: My sister-in-law and brother-in-law bought me this super gorgeous rainbow choker for my birthday! How lucky am I? It’s made of rainbow Swarovski crystals. So stunning. I’m going to pass this down to my niece one day. Every little girl who has seen me wearing it comments on how much she likes it. I LOVE IT!

Favorite purse: You know how much I love Gucci and how much I love rainbows, so it should come as no surprise that I fell in love with this. It’s made for younger girls but I’m going to rock it anyway.

Favorite shoes: Speaking of Gucci, I bought these beauties, justifying it that they’re now my classic, go-to shoes. They’re super comfortable and they go with practically everything. I like how you wouldn’t know it was Gucci unless you knew their colors.

Also loving these new Tom’s glitter flats. Bought a pair for me and my niece.

Favorite art: Recently stumbled across this artsy shop, Tictail. Loved this message.

Favorite drinks: I can’t find the link for this online. You’ll have to visit your nearest Trader Joe’s to find it. (It’ll be worth it!) It’s Trader Joe’s own organic cold pressed fuji apple spiced cider with cinnamon and clove. Delicious and refreshing!

OMG, I’m addicted to this. Thank you Amazon for carrying it, and for the easy one-click shopping button.

Favorite new toys: Because I had a crappy childhood, I decided that I’d recreate it by buying myself some toys. Hence, I’ve ordered or have: This My Little Pony, a Princess tent (that has stars!), Moana Maui’s magical fish hook and this Frozen Elsa doll that sings and lights up.

Favorite books: I’m currently reading The Happiness Advantage and Braving the Wilderness.

Best investment I made recently: Joining Seth Godin’s The Bootstrapper’s Workshop. Fantastic forum for budding entrepreneurs. Everyone is so caring and smart!

Best talks that have changed the way I see life: Rita Pierson’s, Brene Brown’s
and Amy Cuddy’s.

See you soon!

March 23 2018

A Heartfelt Letter from a Mother to Her Daughter

God has blessed me with two amazing young boys but I often think about what life would be like if I had had a daughter. As you know, Skylar is the name I would have chosen for her. I wrote this letter to this fictitious daughter. One day it will come alive as a video. Until then, here it is. For all you mothers out there with daughters, I hope it inspires you to want to write a letter to your daughter (or son), as well.

My Daughter,

If there’s just one thing you take away from this letter, may it be that you you are deserving of love. You are loved for the the little baby that you are and for the grown woman you will one day be. You are worthy.

It may be hard to imagine it but because you are born a girl you still do not have equal rights as men. Strong and determined women worked hard for the rights you currently have. Remember, we stand on the shoulders of those women who came before us.

I write to you during a time of turmoil. In this given moment, the country is divided and we even question our leader’s morality. Yet, out of this darkness is a growing movement, a revolution, of women rising, their silenced voices are now finally being heard.

What do I wish for you, my sweet darling? What words do I want to impart? Dream big and then dream even bigger. Never apologize for being who you are. Stand tall, believe in yourself, and trust your gut. Take risks. Enjoy the journey. Be your own best friend. Embrace lifelong learning. Don’t be afraid to be smart or to speak your mind or to be too ambitious. Have grit – value both passion and perseverance. When you face tough times, remember, that experience is teaching you resilience. Be kind to yourself and celebrate who you are. And finally, be bold. Find out what makes you happy and then relentlessly pursue it.

You, my dear, will be unstoppable. Oh, fearless girl, may you create a life you love.

I love you forever,

Pic by RoseHillDesignStudio

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