December 28 2016

Mesmerizing Gifs of Flowers and Insects by Anna Taberko

I am completely mesmerized by these gifs by Anna Taberko. Inspired by fellow artist, Nicolas Fong, she created these gifs that feature flowers and insects. My favorite one (above) shows pollination, where carpenter bees swirl swiftly around white daisies, picking up pollen on their way.

In case you wanted to brush up on your knowledge of the pollination process, where’s what SF Gate says, “When a bee lands on a daisy flower, it immediately seeks out nectar; in the process, it picks up thousands of microscopic pollen grains on its body. As it moves around on the daisy, it redeposits the pollen from the male anthers to the female stigmas. It also moves from flower to flower repeating this procedure hundreds of times each day. Bees transport some of the pollen back to the hive, where it rubs off on the bodies of other bees, which keeps the pollination process going.”





Anna Taberko on Tumblr


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